
Since the soccer leagues are on hold until May for the main circuit, and April for the NPSL and UPSL (subject to change),  going off the trail for another sport.

Some select shots from the host (via Instagram) – taking back to the 2013 America’s Cup.

2013 #sailing #yachting #americascup #ac72 need to cover more of this. Throwing down the gauntlet lol. I don't get in but you all do and yes I go mamba there. More for the speed. The sailors need to reach out to the kids to try and to grow the sport.

Emirates New Zealand #yachting #sailing #americascup #ac72 2013

2013 #americascup #ac72 #yachting #sailing

2013 #yachting #sailing #ac72 #americascup

2013 #yachting #sailing #americascup #ac72 #goldengatebridge #postcard #tourist no soccer so like Hawaii going off the trail for now